Thursday, February 16, 2017

Belle and Beau Move to Amazon

Christine Klein
Designer of Belle & Beau
     Belle & Beau is making new ground in an online network of shopping. Handmade at Amazon is the place for artisans to sell their unique, handcrafted goods to hundreds of millions of customers worldwide. Christine Klein, designer and primary developer at Belle & Beau, is excited about this venture because Amazon is the most shopper-centric platform available online today. The Handmade at Amazon network provides the same reliable support and customization for artists all over the world as it does for commercial products.
     As consumer concerns focus on environmental impacts and a stressed economy, supporting small local business becomes more important than ever. Amazon has consistently grown in value while online shopping has dominated consumer industries. Handmade at Amazon reflects consumer driven interest by providing access to quality, affordable, handmade goods. Shoppers can customize their searches by product type, artist location, price, age groups and more.
     Belle & Beau fans can expect to see new products making their debut over the next several months. Wildlife and nature continue to be Christine's primary source of inspiration. She has been busy at the computer, consulting with parents, designing new fabrics, and planning a line of children's toys that will inspire the imagination. If you've ever purchased from Christine or used her products, please feel free to write her a review that will help others feel confident in purchasing from her store.

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