I finally caved and started a blog. I've been slowly building my internet presence and this was the next natural step. I've got twitter, facebook, etsy and my own website. . .a blog is what I was missing! I'm not sure anyone will even care, but at least I'm trying something new. I love the internet and all the great little social gadgets people have come up with. If only I had this stuff when I was a teenager!
I'm in my thirties now and a recent college graduate. I earned my bachelors in elementary education while I stayed home raising my two little smarty-pants. My youngest starts Kindergarten in the Fall - how did that happen so quickly?! Now that I've graduated and will have more time on my hands, I've started to focus more on my handmade business titled Belle Adore Boutique. I love creating new stuff and I love even more when people have fun buying it from me! Most of my line focuses on children and their little smiles bring big smiles to my face. I like creating products that spark the imagination and help others have fun. The rest of my line pays tribute to the classic primitive styles of decor. I upcycle, repurpose, and reclaim to bring interest to decorating.
Lastly, I hope this blog brings some enjoyment as I share handmade happenings, news, ideas, and thoughts along the way.
Go Teen!